Project Description

Life in Color

Annabel Dwyer

Steph Charaska is the scenic charge artist at historic Flat Rock Playhouse in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Charaska brings dedication, spunk, and creativity to her duties as scenic charge as well as her outlook on daily life. With a closet almost entirely filled with neon and a pep in her step, Charaska is hard to miss. 

After spending most of her life struggling to find a sense of belonging in addition to battling undiagnosed ADHD until her mid-twenties, Charaska has grown into acceptance and embraced her bold style as part of her purpose to spread joy. Though only in her second season at the Playhouse, Charaska has already made a bright, colorful, and powerful impact in her community.

Folks who come into the arts, we’re the island of misfit toys over here. That’s the reason we do art. It’s so people don’t feel alone.