Kenny Buffaloe, a sensei of Kyokushin Karate, turned around while training in his home dojo one day and saw his two-year-old son in diapers imitating his every move. Thirteen years later Christian Buffaloe, 15, is a rising star in the style and qualified for the Kyokushin world championships set for this November. What sets Kyokushin apart from other karate styles is its use of full-contact fighting with no weight class distinctions. On the Kyokushin mat, fighters have no gloves, no pads and no reservations. In order to win a match, the opponent must be knocked out. Although the style seems too violent to many Americans, fighters of Kyokushin believe in nonviolence and say that the ultimate goal is world peace. Kenny explains the philosophy this way: “If you have to fight, fight bare handed, man to man. Then afterwards drink together, eat together, dance together, sing together, celebrate and true friendships and bonds are formed.”
2015 Rooted in the Rapids
Carolina Photojournalism Workshop