Pretty Neat Legacy

By Cooper Metts

Pretty Neat Legacy

By Cooper Metts

“As you get older, you start thinking about what you’re going to leave behind someday. There’s probably nothing more valuable than leaving behind what you have learned in your lifetime.”

Nearing retirement age, Keith Nix wanted a hobby to keep himself busy after finishing his decades-long career as a machinist. After ordering a knife blank and being disappointed with its quality, Nix settled on knife making as his retirement hobby. It took Nix two years of research, studying and buying supplies and tools before he started his knife-making hobby.

What started as a hobby, however, quickly blossomed into a thriving small business Nix coined Keith Nix Knives. He makes knives for local butchers, grocery stores and Black Mountain residents in addition to offering a knife-sharpening service for his clients. Keith Nix Knives is booked through September with knife-making jobs. 

Nix’s business is fueled by two of his core values — craftsmanship and hard work, which he learned from his father. He hopes to continue his the Nix legacy of craftsmanship and strong work ethic through his business.

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