Project Description

Do What You Love

By Ashlyn Rhyne

Do What You Love

By Ashlyn Rhyne

“There’s things that happen in life where you lose joy. And this is one way that I’ve seen people bring joy back into their life.”

Mindy Yoder was first introduced to pickleball by her dad. Yoder began her career as a nurse, but working 70 to 80 hours a week burned her out. The sport was first used as an outlet for her, but the more she played, the more she loved it. Her passion for the sport shines through as she instructs and inspires new players.

Pickleball has taught Yoder more than just the skills necessary to excel at the sport. She has learned valuable life lessons. Yoder says, “Life is about continually learning and growing and giving back and helping people to be the best version of themselves.”

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